Tuesday, May 28, 2013


So this was me on May 13, 2013 presenting a cheque to the Treasurer of the Lloydminter Healthcare Auxiliary for $1093.00.   

I had lost 54 lbs then and have since lost another 10 I believe.  Since I don't own a scale, I only find out what I really am every one to two months when I get to the Dietitian or doctor.  

I'm still having some trouble eating (June 5 with be 5 months out) and now am getting myself worried.  (I do that to myself alot by the way, do all woman do that or is it just me?)  So this is my crazy worry right now and I know it is a bit irrational I don't think I am getting the right nutrients or enough protein, I think I am becoming unhealthy and losing too much weight to fast.   I tell you, first I'm too big and now I'm too little.  Driving myself crazy!!  Hopefully in a year things will be normal.  Please God!!

So on to the rest of my crazy life. 
I love to help charities, organizations, or most anyone in need of money to raise funds for their cause. As you can see above, I raise funds for this organization.  I worked at the hospital for 15 years before getting out and going to work as a CNC operator, machining metal oilfield parts.  Now this is something I would have never considered doing, working in a man's world getting dirty and oily and all cut up, but since my husband was the shop manager for this up and coming shop he asked me if I wanted to work for him of which I agreed.  (It was the bet decision I made, stress went down 100%, got to see hubby more and now work with 3 of my 5 sons.)  

Sorry got off topic just a bit....okay so just before I left the hospital I had a dream of starting my own auction site where I would be able to auction off items and give a large percent of the sales to charity.   Thought about this for a year before I actually said to myself, "Self,(hehe, just kidding),  how are you ever going to know if this works if you don't just dig in and try it."   Well I tried it, loved it and made almost $10,000 for various organizations etc in approximately 8 months.    I found out I had a knack for this kind of a thing.    

Unfortunately or fortunately,  depends on which way you look at it, my life was about to change quite a bit, so closed down my little auction site until life settled down a bit.    Just to give you all a hint of what I am talking about: quit my job, got a new one, sold my house, bought a bigger one, moved from Sask to the Alberta side, sold pretty much all of our possessions  including my car and bought all new things, after being empty nesters for quite a few years, 3 of our boys moved back home, I had the gastric sleeve surgery done and hubby and I were having a bit of a time adjusting to it all.  (This all took place from June to January this past year).  

Again I digress.......okay so when things started to settle down a bit and I had learned a whole bunch about life and love etc, I realized that I still had my dream of helping raise funds and having an auction site.  (Did I tell you that I absolutely love auctions and people's old stuff and garage sales and trade shows.  LOL) 

So I became a member of the Hospital Auxiliary and started an auction site (Facebook group really) just for them.  The Auxillary tries to raise as much money as they can during the year so that they can buy extra things for patient care and comfort.   So this year, we bought 3 wheelchairs with IV poles, 2 big screen TV's and DVD player for 2 palliative care rooms, 2 computers and software for the palliative care rooms.  Now with this extra money I brought in we can now purchase more items!!  This makes me sooo happy!

Well now the crazy part; I get ideas all the time of how I can help somebody promote their business  or their craft etc. This is something else I love to do, to promote something that grabs me, be it somebody's art, business venture, something I have used or seen, that is unique or different in some way and I can get quite excited about it too!!  LOL. 

So it's not enough that I have a full-time job where I work 10 hours a day AND have an auction group that is quite popular AND a husband, house and kids (although they do take care of themselves most of the time), I have also decided that I need another auction site(group) more for me, charity and the people who donate.  I am trying out different ways to do this so I can turn it into a business venture.   Not done yet, one more thing to add to my overflowing plate - I have become a comfort specialist with Jockey clothing.  

Remember above I said that I get excited when something I find grabs me or raises a flag in me about how unique and awesome it is, well Jockey is one of those things!  The minute I tried on their clothes I was like oh my good gracious, these are awesome, the most comfortable, wearable and versatile clothes I think I have ever tried.  I bought them first when I was big and felt very stylish, pretty and comfortable in them.   Even though I was feeling crappy about myself, these clothes DID NOT  make me feel frumpy or fat.   Now that I am much smaller, I love them even more; I feel stylish, beautiful, colorful and confident.  
I believe WE DESERVE to feel fabulous in what we wear! 

So this is my crazy life thus far.   Stayed tuned you never know what fabulous idea I will come up with next!!

Auction for Lloydminster Healthcare Auxiliary

My personal Jockey website

We DESERVE the best!!