Wednesday, January 9, 2013


PLEASE NOTE:   as you are reading these posts, please remember that this is my personal experience. Everybody's bodies are different and we all react to different circumstances.   This being said there are  many similarities that we all experience with this process.

One of the items that may come up with your experience is feeling like you have done the wrong thing or is this worth it.  This is what happened yesterday to me.   I woke up extremely tired, feeling out of sorts, tired of the gas pains, tired of water, juice, broth and wondered if I would ever feel better.  I feel that it is important for people who are going to have this surgery that you MIGHT feel like absolute shit for about 3 full days.    Today was a new day.  I feel  quite good today, gas pains are almost gone, I can drink more liquids, doesn't hurt when I drink.  We had a good day sitting by the pool, walking around the neighborhood, went to there version of 7-11 and bought the most yummy Popsicle  that I got pretty much all of it down.  It was coconut and pineapple.   Fabulous.  I feel that I have energy today.  I feel that I definitely did the right thing!

Tomorrow we get our drains out, ya, ya, ya.  We go back to the hospital and as Dr. Castaneda will be in Guadalajara  he picked out another surgeon that he trusts to take out our drains.  This to me is very comforting as he has been nothing but caring and has our health foremost in his mind.   We then get to go do some touring, go to Costco, more shopping and see the sunset at the beach.  Home on Friday.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Another beautiful day in Puerto Vallarta. The sun is shining brightly on the lovely treed mountains and palm-type tree outside my window.  I finally got a good nights sleep last night after the trouble of yesterday.  \i had my test and everything went well.  No leaks! Stomach is much better today, Although liquid is moving but is moving slowly.   I got to have my first drink and some tiny bits of lime sherbet  What a treat!  I got in about as much as my index fingernail, but it sure tasted yummy.  Now have to take one sip every 5 minutes    Gas pains are quite so  bad, but \i have been walking and walking so is manageable   My other sleevers have left the hospital already, but I will have to stay until 6:00pm as I Dr. needs to be sure I can handle the liquids all day.

I did have a bit of : okay the surgery is over, now is the time to adjust to putting things into my mouth and swallowing them.   Again I felt, but just in a very small way, have I done the right thing?   I still believe I have, but the adjusting I have to get used to.   I was also able to take my medication this morning so fell much better now.  

When the drains come out it will be so much better.  They are uncomfortable and push on your insides.  Still have gas pain up on and under my collar bone but is bearable when I walk.  More I walk the better I will be.   No more nausea or vomiting,  Thank goodness!

If anybody has any questions or comments please feel free to leave in the comment box below.   Please only serious comments and questions!     Till later.   Ange.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hello everyone,  Yes I made it through, the operation went well.   I am quite tired and somewhat sore.  The operation was yesterday and I was number 3 to go as I was having a few issues of being shaky and very anxious.  The doctor was behind so was in surgery around 2:00 pm.   The anesthesiologist was a gem, Dr. Santiago.  When I got onto the stretcher in my room to be transferred, I started crying.  Our facilitator who is with us Wendy, came right over and held my hand and said that if I didn't want to go through with it that I didn't have too and other kind words. She is a wonderful lady.  

Anyway, away we went downstairs.  When I got into the holding area, that is when I really lost it and couldn't stop crying; Was I making the right decision? Did I really want to go through with this? Would I have complications?  What if I became "aware"during surgery again? 

Dr Casteneda happened to be passing by and came to me right away.  He was very caring and reassured me that he had never had anyone die and that he had never had anyone who became aware during surgery.  He said this was the best thing for me in terms of my health.  He again said everything would be okay.  

Dr Santiago, the anesthesiologist then came to see me.  He also reassured me and said he would give me something to calm me down.  Wow that stuff was awweesommee! At that point I did care about a thing!  I remember getting prepped in the OR and the next thing being taken back to my room.  I was crying again because I was in a fair amount of pain and felt like I couldn't breath because of the gas pains.  I must have fell back to sleep as I don't recall anything until much later.  I felt a whole lot better, but very, very tired and pain was manageable    Wendy has been with us from morning until night looking in on us and making sure we have been getting everything we need, talking with the doctor and our families.  A person should NEVER have to go through this alone!  

I have my 2 leak tests today sometime.  We have to drink blue dye, that someone said tastes like ink and a contrast and have x-rays done.   We are all praying that none of us has leaks!

That\s it for now as I'm getting tired again, need a shower and have to go do my laps.   Will try to write more  later.   Ange.

I had my leak test and it was found that I have a very inflammed stomach, more than they others.  I started vomiting last night and doctor figures it was because nothing was going through the stomach because of the inflammation.  So I have to have some type of anti-inflammatory iv stuff and do the test again tomorrow.  I have to drink this blue stuff that tastes quite chemically, but thank goodness you just gulp it down and then they watch on a screen as it goes through the stomach and into intestines.   Then tomorrow after that I had to drink Methylene Blue, which I tried to today but couldn't do it.   We have to drink this very slowly and oh my good god it tastes just horrible! It also turns our lips, tongue and teeth blue.   If any of this blue dye shows up in our drains we have a leak.  The others will be discharged tomorrow, not sure about me just yet.  Doctor will be here very early in morning to see the pictures.

The hospital is quite nice. It is a private hospital so tourists and people who have money come here.  There is only 15 "suites".  A huge room with a hospital bed, couch big screen TV a whole wall of windows, a large bathroom with a huge shower that has a glass sliding door, night-table and small built in desk and closet.  The floors look like polished granite.  There is also a large picture on the wall.  The ceiling looks quite literally like waves in the ocean.   It is very quiet and you never see any of the other patients.  Most stay in their rooms.  Only 4 nurses on and two on nights.  Only downside to this hospital is that it is pretty much right on a very busy street and it is extremely noisy pretty much all night long.  Definitely need earplugs.  I have been sleeping with a pillow over my head to keep out the noise.

 You are provided with a packet with slippers toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, body lotion and soap.  TV is free, internet free, bottle water free.

As far as the admission process and charting goes, everything is hand written, there are no printers.  Labels, handwritten are put onto the IV bottles,  wrist bands are handwritten, admission papers are handwritten.  You do not have to pay for your medical records if you want them.

The condo we get to recover in after we are discharged is quite nice.  In a quiet neighborhood. All condos are attached in a block and most are gated across the front by the street to make a nice small courtyard. All windows are gated as well.  There is a pool at the back of the condo.  Very nice.  Beat The Odds has provided us with a phone and computer to call family free of charge.   The hospital is approximately 4 blocks from the condo.  We actually walked to the hospital the night we were admitted.     Falling asleep so will leave you now.  ange. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Pre-op day 2 done! Still feeling good.  Not that hungry at all.  As we were told to drink, drink, drink I am a little scared that I wont get enough in.  For better recovery we need to be as hydrated as possible.  I didn't feel that I had enough in today, so tomorrow is a drinking and running back and forth on the plane to pee.  I am seated in the aisle so should be okay.

This will be short and sweet as I have to get to sleep.  Airport at 8:00 am.  Flying out at 10:30.

Thanks for all the love!!  Until tomorrow.  We all DESERVE to be loved.   Ange.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I made it through the first day of a 3-day liquid diet.  I have been drinking and drinking and running to the washroom seems like every 10 minutes.  I don't know how I am going to travel tomorrow for 2.5 hours without the washroom nearby.  I might have to invest in some depends! lol

As I looked back on Day 1 Pre-op, I am aware of a few instances today where I wanted to eat, not because I was hungry, but my circumstance at the time triggered an "eating habit".  Once such instance was thinking about everything I had to do today to get ready for leaving.  I would think of something I had to do and then another something would come to mind.  It got to the point where I didn't know what to do first; I became overwhelmed and felt like I needed to go find something to eat.  My husband made popcorn after supper and the smell took me right into the theater where we always have a popcorn and kitkats.  I so badly wanted that kitkat.   Thank goodness it only lasted a couple of minutes.

I'd like to change the subject here and talk a bit about the reactions I have gotten when I told people that I was having the sleeve done.  

When I decided for sure that this is what I was doing, I wanted to tell everybody I saw.  I wanted to talk about what was to take place. So I started telling a person here and a person there and was actually quite surprised at the negative reactions I received.  Out of about maybe the first 10 people I spoke with only 2 were positive responses.   I soon found out from others and from reading Vertical Sleeve Talk, that this seemed to be the norm and that most of us quit telling others so that we would not become discouraged.     Today seemed to be a different story though and everybody that I spoke with was encouraging and wished me well.  It actually calmed me down a bit, so was grateful to these people today.

I have not told my Mom or Dad, as they would just worry.  I do not have the full support of hubby on this one and a few of my sons are not that keen either, but said they would support me if that is what I wanted.  Hubby is still trying to come to grips and hopes I don't come home in a wheelchair.  I believe that I will be just fine!

One word of advice to those who might be thinking about having this done; if someone starts telling you about this person or that person and all the horrible things that happened to them, please remember that unless you have talked to that person yourself, the story is not what it seems.

Until tomorrow. We all DESERVE to be accepted!    Ange


Two more sleeps and away I fly.  Am I nervous, you bet I am!  Am I ready to go, no!  Today I start my pre-op 3-day, clear liquid diet.  Make no mistake, this will be hard.  I enjoy eating.  Food gives me comfort. It entertains me. It is my friend when I am stressed or have a problem. I have no will power when it comes to food.   I eat until I am usually too full.  Up until yesterday my life has centered around food!  BUT NO MORE!

I had my very last, stuff myself until it hurt, meal yesterday, and how fitting that it was a buffet.(rolling eyes)  After I was done and hurting I said to my family: Thank goodness that I will NEVER feel like this again!          Food can no longer be my focus in life.  I will have to train my mind to focus on other things.  I will have to undo many habits that I have had since childhood.  I will have to see exercise as my friend. In my minds eye I can see myself as a slim, happy, classy woman who is healthy and fit.  This is what I want, this is why I am having surgery.

Until tomorrow.  We all DESERVE to be slim.          Ange.