Monday, January 13, 2014

Well hello everybody! It has been a long while since I have been on the blog and since it has been 1 whole year since my sleeve I have decided to tell you about what has been happening with me.  

Picture 1: starting weight 254 lbs.  End weight:  155 lbs (Jan. 6, 2014).    Total lost: 101 lbs.  

Am I glad I did it:  Yes I am.  Has there been complications:  Yes there has.  Am I worried:  Yes I am.     

What is the problem that has me worried?   I can not stop loosing weight!  Right from the get-go I was an anomaly of sorts.  I threw up 3 times on the night of the surgery.  The day everybody was to go home I had to stay an extra 12 hours as my dye-test showed that my stomach was terribly inflamed and dye was not going into my intestines like it should.  When I got home, I had a terrible time with foods and was sick pretty much for a month, before I stopped eating everything that I had been eating to that point and started to introduce one food at a time.  That helped somewhat, I kept loosing weight at about 15-20 lbs a month.  I had 2 stalls that lasted for about 2 weeks each and since then have continuously lost weight. 

My family doctor told me at one of my appointments that I have to stop loosing weight. I left there crying my eyes out as I was/am not doing anything for this weight to be falling off!.  That was about 15 lbs ago and have not gone back to see him since.  Yes I know, I have made an appointment to see him again. 

Some of this is my fault as I am not keeping track of anything or even minding what I eat.  You see I can eat chocolate, cookies, chips, crackers, nuts; almost anything that is not good for me, with almost no difficulty.  To eat regular good food almost always makes me sick.  It almost seems like my system has completely turned around and everything that I should be eating, I can't or makes me feel bad and everything I shouldn't be eating doesn't really bother me.   I can't take too many protein shakes as they make me sick or nauseous.  Meats, especially beef, I can barely tolerate. Dairy causes me problems, fats, raw fruits and vegetables don't sit very well.  Cabbage and chinese food are an absolute do not eat at all!  Bread, pastas, spices, foods from a package or soups from a can also do not sit well.  Even water is very hard to drink.  I can only drink Evian water.  Everything else tastes like chemicals to me and Aquafina is the worst of all bottled water!   

Now I will tell you that I do eat, and sometimes I eat because I know I have to and I just suffer the consequences and other times I try to be careful about what I am putting in my mouth, but there are times when I think something is okay and I end up full of gas and burping, spitting up and standing over the toilet trying to throw up and usually there is a some type of pain involved with this, but not always.  When it gets this bad, I usually can't eat or drink for hours until the food has digested and, what I believe to be swelling, goes away.   

I am now scared to do any exercise or try to figure out what I can or can not eat as I think this will only make me lose more weight.  

I am going for a scope this Friday in Edmonton to see if there is anything wrong with my silly pouch. I hope I get some answers, but my gut tells me that I just have to be vigilant and work this out for myself.  I'm just not sure how to go about doing that.  Anybody have any answers for me??

Will let you all know how it turns out!    Be Happy, you deserve it!  Ange


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